NO.559 |
2004/02/27 (Sat) |
Carl Anderson Dies At 58: The Most Memorable Interview I've Ever Done |
![]() ++++++++++++++++ カール・アンダーソンは、1945年2月27日ヴァージニア州生まれ。12人兄弟のひとり。なんとこの12人のうち8人(4組)が双子だという。カールも双子で生まれたが、その弟はカールが11ヶ月の時に他界した。両親は1934年に結婚。父ジェームスが1998年12月に他界するまで64年間の結婚生活が続いた。母アルバータは99年3月に90歳の誕生日を迎えた、という。 60年代になって、カールは家を出てエンターテインメントの世界にはいり、70年代になって、ミュージカル『ジーザス・クライスト・スーパースター』に出演、一挙に人気を集めることになった。このミュージカルは世界中で公演が行われ、カールも帯同。また、80年代にはいり、ラーキン・アーノルドに認められエピックと契約。85年にテレビドラマの主題歌となった「フレンズ・アンド・ラヴァーズ」をグロリア・ローリングとデュエットして大ヒットさせた。 90年代にはいってからは、ジャズテイストなアルバムをGRPからリリース。日本でもタバコのCM曲に彼の「心のかけら(ピーセス・オブ・マイ・ハート)」が使われヒットした。 ++++++++++++++++ Carl Anderson: The Most Memorable Interview I've Ever Done 思い出。 昨日の朝、たまたま音楽評論家でAORのクールサウンドを運営している中田利樹さんのホームページを見ていたら、ロスに住む松居さんからのメールでカール・アンダーソン死去のニュースが報告されていて驚いた。早速、中田さんとロスのデイヴィッド・リッツに「本当なの?」とメールを送った。すぐにいろいろ調べると、カールのホームページがあり、そこに死去が報じられていた。まもなく両者からも間違いないというメールをもらい、愕然とした。 僕は91年6月と92年8月、彼が来日した時にインタヴューした。91年のインタヴューは僕がこれまでに行った300本以上のインタヴューの中でもベスト3にはいる印象度のあるインタヴューなのである。彼の誠実な人柄に好印象を持っただけでなく、その時の話の内容に大変感動したからだ。そこで語られた物語は、僕は後に『人生で一番高い買物』というタイトルで雑誌に寄稿、その原稿は今では本ウェッブでも読むことができる。 この物語からは実に教えられることが多い。自分で書いたくせに、時々思い出したように、読み返してしまう。本当にいい話だ。僕の書いた作品の中でもお勧めベスト3かもしれない。僕も、人生の微調整をしたいと常々思っているが、現実にはなかなかそうは問屋が卸さない。 そして、なによりこのインタヴューが僕にとって忘れ難いものになったのは、彼がこの話をしていた時に、彼自身が泣いてしまったからである。それまでにも多くのインタヴューをしてきたが、インタヴューした相手が涙を見せたのは、後にも先にもこの時だけだ。まあ、これからはあるかもしれないが。だから、彼の目が赤くなってきた時、僕は「うそ、まさか」という思いと、「え、どうすればいいんだろう」という思いで、一瞬頭が真っ白になった。まさかインタヴュー相手が涙を流すなんてまったく予期していなかったので、対処法がわからなかった。結局、話がだんだん落ち着いて、また質問を別方向に持っていって、涙は一段落したが、なんとも言えぬ体験となった。 翌年、再び彼がやってきた時もインタヴューしたが、それだけでなく、その時は彼が滞在していた京王プラザで個人的に彼の奥さんも含めてランチをともにした。カールも僕とのインタヴューをよく覚えていてくれたらしい。というのは、その何年か後に、友人であるデイヴィッド・リッツがカールと親しく、僕とのインタヴューの話をデイヴィッドにしたらしいのだ。昨日来たメールでも、「カールは君とのインタヴューをよく覚えているよ」とあった。その頃カールのライヴアルバムをデイヴィッドが送ってくれた。 このライヴアルバムは、ライヴの模様をいきなりDATに2チャンネルで録音したものらしい。それだけに実に迫力あるライヴになっている。さっきからこのライヴを聴いている。 ![]() バーブラはそのアルバムの中でこの曲についてこんなコメントを記している。「『イフ・アイ・クド』は親から子へのメッセージとして、また母の立場で大きな意味があります。それは母も父も辛いものですが、いずれは子離れしなければならないときが来るということです。永遠に子供を守りたいと思ったとしても、それは出来ないのです」 カール・アンダーソン、58歳。2月23日に死去。今日、2月27日は彼が59歳になるはずの誕生日だった。Rest in peace. ++++++++++++++++ カール・アンダーソン 『人生で一番高い買い物』 アンダーソンのインタヴューを元にしたストーリー。 カール・アンダーソン・オフィシャルウェッブ アルバムリストなど。 「イフ・アイ・クド」についての日記 ++++++++++++++++ IF I COULD Written by: Ronald L. Miller, Kenny Hirsch, Martha V. Sharron For Jason Sung from a parent to her child, "If I Could" meant a lot to me as a mother. It's about how we have to let go of our children eventually, something we moms and dads have a hard time doing. Though we wish we could, we can't protect them forever. If I could I'd protect you from the sadness in your eyes Give you courage in a world of compromise Yes, I would If I could I would teach you all the things I've never learned And I'd help you cross the bridges that I've burned Yes, I would If I could I would try to shield your innocence from time But the part of life I gave you isn't mine I've watched you grow So I could let you go If I could I would help you make it through the hungry years But I know that I can never cry your tears But I would If I could If I live In a time and place where you don't want to be You don't have to walk along this road with me My yesterday Won't have to be your way If I knew I'd have tried to change the world I brought to you to And there isn't very much that I can do But I would If I could If I could I would try to shield your innocence from time But the part of life I gave you isn't mine I've watched you grow So I could let you go If I could I would help you make it through the hungry years But I know that I can never cry your tears But I would If I could Yes I would Yes I would If I could ++++++++++++++++ February 25, 2004 OBITUARIES Carl Anderson, 58; Actor Played Judas in 'Jesus Christ Superstar' By Elaine Woo, Times Staff Writer Carl Anderson, a balladeer and actor known for his rich, expressive voice, whose greatest success during a three-decade career was playing Judas in the landmark musical "Jesus Christ Superstar," died Monday at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center after a seven-month battle with leukemia. He was 58. Anderson, who lived in Los Angeles, was diagnosed with leukemia last summer during a national revival tour of the Tim Rice-Andrew Lloyd Webber musical about the last week in the life of Jesus. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FOR THE RECORD Anderson obituary — The obituary of balladeer and actor Carl Anderson in Wednesday's California section should have stated that his survivors included three brothers. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- He did not originate the Judas role, but played it in the original Broadway production in 1971 and in the 1973 film directed by Norman Jewison. He often said that he was destined to play Judas, a role he brought to life on stage, by his own estimate, about 1,200 times. "It really was his show," said Tom McCoy, whose company produced the latest tour. "He did not miss a beat from the film he did of 'Superstar' 30 years ago. It's his intensity, his extreme knowledge of who Judas was … and the part Judas played in the story." Anderson was planning to appear in a worldwide tour reuniting several of the original cast members, including Ted Neeley as Jesus, that was to open at the Vatican this fall. He directed a command performance there of selected songs from "Superstar" for Pope John Paul II as part of the Vatican Jubilee celebration in 2000. Born in Lynchburg, Va., Anderson was one of 12 children of James, a steelworker, and Alberta, a seamstress. His mother persuaded him to join a choir when he was in high school, and he reluctantly obliged. To his surprise, singing became his passion. After high school, he moved to Washington, D.C., where he studied at Howard University and became lead singer for a rock band called Second Eagle. When the band decided to perform songs from "Jesus Christ Superstar," which had been a sensation in England but had not yet had its American premiere, producer Robert Stigwood tried to stop them. But the unauthorized performance, part of a Palm Sunday Mass at a Washington church, went forward. As luck would have it, a producer for the American production saw part of the show when it was covered by a camera crew from the "Today" show. "The producer is sitting in New York and he sees a clip of me on the 'Today' show and said, 'That's Judas. Bring him here.' " So when I say this part came and found me, I really mean it," Anderson told the Chicago Tribune in 1993. The producers wound up casting Ben Vereen as Judas for the original Broadway cast, but Anderson took over the part when Vereen was sidelined by illness. After Vereen recovered, he and Anderson alternated in the role for six months. Anderson later played Judas in the Los Angeles premiere of "Superstar" and, despite Jewison's initial reservations, won the role in the movie, which earned him two Golden Globe nominations and an NAACP Image Award. After the resounding success of "Superstar," Anderson found it difficult to establish an identity apart from his appearances as Judas. He refused to reprise the role during the 1970s and early 1980s and would not mention it on his resume as he pursued work as a jazz vocalist. He recorded several albums in the 1980s and '90s, which included two moderate chart successes, "How Deep Does It Go" and "My Love Will." Another recording, "Forbidden Lover" with Nancy Wilson, was nominated for a Grammy. A duet with "Days of Our Lives" star Gloria Loring called "Friends and Lovers" was a hit in 1986. He also appeared on television shows such as "Hill Street Blues" and in movies, including "The Color Purple." In 2002 he joined the revival tour of "Superstar" mounted by skating star Cathy Rigby's production company, McCoy-Rigby Entertainment. Reviewers greeted his return enthusiastically, including the critic for the San Antonio Express-News who wrote that the show "ignites every time that he appears." Anderson said his interpretation of the role changed over the years as he infused more sympathy into his portrayal. "I'm playing a much more introspective Judas," he told the Boston Herald last year. He had received threats many times from people who disapproved of the show, which depicted Jesus as a flawed and fallible man and Judas as more of a victim than a villain. But he told another interviewer recently that he was glad that he persevered because "I have lived to see the [musical] recognized as a masterpiece." Anderson is survived by his wife, Veronica; a son from a previous marriage, Khalil McGhee-Anderson; stepdaughters Hannah and Laila Ali; and several sisters. A memorial service will be held at 11 a.m. Saturday at the Agape International Spiritual Church, 5700 Buckingham Parkway, Culver City. +++++++++++++++++ ENT>OBITUARY>Anderson, Carl |
Diary Archives by MASAHARU YOSHIOKA |