NO.976 |
2005/03/27 (Sun) |
RAY Garners 4 NAACP Image Awards: Stevie Sings "A Time To Love" |
映画『RAY/レイ』の栄光が続いている。去る3月19日(土曜日)に行われたNAACP(National Association for the Advancement of Colored People =全米黒人地位向上協会=一般的にはエヌ・ダブル・エー・シー・ピーと発音される)による第36回NAACPイメージ・アワードが発表され、同映画が4部門を受賞した。『RAY』は、ゴールデン・グローヴ、アカデミーなどもすでに受賞している。 授賞式は36回の歴史の中で今年初めてロスアンジェルスのドロシー・チャンドラー・パピリオンで行われた。この模様は3月25日(金)にフォックス・テレビから放送された。司会はクリス・タッカー。またこの他、アッシャー、カニエ・ウェスト、プリンスなども音楽部門で賞を受賞した。 ![]() NAACP(全米黒人地位向上協会)は、1909年に設立された黒人あるいは有色人種の地位を向上させるための協会。この種の団体では最古で最大。会員は約50万人。さまざまな面において黒人の発展に寄与した人々を表彰したり、黒人の地位向上のための運動を行っている。イメージアワードは、そのNAACPが決めるエンタテインメントの賞。黒人版グラミー賞的な意味合いを持つ。 イメージアワードの受賞者リストは次のところに。 +++++ Edited By Jonathan Cohen. March 21, 2005, 10:50 AM ET 'Ray' Garners 4 NAACP Image Awards "Ray" hit all the right notes at the 36th NAACP Image Awards on Saturday, as the Ray Charles biopic nabbed four awards, including outstanding motion picture and yet another best actor nod for Jamie Foxx. Usher, Fantasia, Prince and Kanye West were honored in the ceremony's music categories. "This has been an absolute wonderful ride," said Foxx, who seemed genuinely humbled in the presence of presenters Sidney Poitier and Diahann Carroll. "Thank you, Taylor Hackford, for having the vision on this beautiful movie of Ray Charles. You took a chance in Hollywood. They said this was a black film ... but he stuck to his guns for 15 years." The National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, which is the nation's oldest and largest civil rights organization, fetes the best in movies, television, music and books that are by and about people of color. Hosted by Chris Tucker, this year's ceremony, which will air at 8 p.m. Friday (March 25) on Fox, was held for the first time at Los Angeles' Dorothy Chandler Pavilion. Foxx was joined in the winners' circle by his "Ray" co-stars Kerry Washington (actress) and Regina King (supporting actress). "I am so proud to be a part of this film, and I want to thank the NAACP," said Washington, who urged her colleagues to get more involved with the organization. "In these times, we need the NAACP more than ever, because we are in a time when so many of our rights as people of color, as women and as poor people are in danger of being stripped from us." Touting the theme "Created Equal," the show featured inspirational musical performances by Stevie Wonder, Tye Tribbett, Yolanda Adams and Fantasia. Shortly after her performance, Fantasia was named outstanding female artist and Usher was named best male artist. West took the prize for best new artist. Prince, who had the black-tie crowd grooving during a spirited set with Sheila E and Morris Day, landed the nod for outstanding album for "Musicology" and also received the prestigious Vanguard Award. -- Tatiana Siegel, The Hollywood Reporter |
Diary Archives by MASAHARU YOSHIOKA |