NO.194 |
2003/03/21 (Fri) |
There's a message in the music |
1970年7月、エドウィン・スターが歌った。 「戦争の意味ってなんだ? 間違いなく意味なんてない! 戦争とは、オレが軽蔑するもの。なぜなら、多くの罪なき人々の命を奪うものだから。なぜなら、多くの母の目に涙を流させるものだから。戦争の友人は、葬儀屋だけ。戦争は人類の敵…」(「ウォー(邦題、黒い戦争)」より) 1971年2月、マーヴィン・ゲイが歌った。 「お母さん、お母さん、あまりに多くの母親たちが泣いている。兄弟よ、兄弟よ、あまりに多くの仲間たちが死んでいく。今日、ここに愛をもたらすために解決の糸口を見出さなければ。お父さん、お父さん。僕たちはエスカレートする必要なんかない。 ねえ、わかっているでしょう。戦争(戦い)は、答えにはならないんだよ。唯一愛だけが、憎しみに打ち勝つことができるんだ。僕に体罰を与えないで。話あって(僕に語りかけて)、そうすれば、今、何が起こっているかわかるはずだ」(「ホワッツ・ゴーイング・オン」より) 1976年10月、スティーヴィー・ワンダーが歌った。 「友人のみなさん、おはよう、あるいは、こんばんは。あなたの味方の(フレンドリー)アナウンサーです。今日は、あらゆる人々に伝えねばならない重大なニュースがあります。私が言おうとしていることは、世界の大惨事を意味することになるかもしれません。あなたの喜びや笑いを、涙や痛みに変えてしまうかもしれません。 それはつまり、今日、愛が愛そのものを必要としている、ということなのです。遅れてはなりません。あなたの愛を今すぐに送ってください。憎しみが蔓延し、多くの心を傷つけています。手遅れにならないうちに、止めなければなりません。邪悪な力があなたを取りこもうとしています。もし放っておけば、悪の力はすべての人類を破壊してしまいます。ですから、私たちは何か予防策を講じなければなりません。平和と愛を宝物のように思うなら、私の話を聞いてください。 それはつまり、今日、愛が愛そのものを必要としている、ということなのです。遅れてはなりません。あなたの愛を今すぐに送ってください」(「ラヴズ・イン・ニード・オブ・ラヴ・トゥデイ(邦題、ある愛の伝説)」より) 70年8月29日、エドウィン・スターの「ウォー」は、全米ナンバー・ワンに輝いた。 71年3月27日、マーヴィンの「ホワッツ・ゴーイン・オン」は、全米ソウル・チャートでナンバー・ワンに輝いた。 ![]() ナンバー・ワンは、人々の支持を得たということ。 32年前の3月、世界は「ホワッツ・ゴーイング・オン」を聞いていたはずなのに。 音楽にはメッセージがあります。 There's a message in the music! 今日は3曲メドレーでお送りしました。お相手は、あなたのフレンドリー・アナウンサーでした。 +++++ For your info: here's a complete lyrics of mentioned above songs. "War" Song written by Barrett Strong Sung by Edwin Starr War What is it good for Absolutely nothing War What is it good for Absolutely nothing War is something that I despise For it means destruction of innocent lives For it means tears in thousands of mothers' eyes When their sons go out to fight to give their lives War What is it good for Absolutely nothing Say it again War What is it good for Absolutely nothing War It's nothing but a heartbreaker War Friend only to the undertaker War is the enemy of all mankind The thought of war blows my mind Handed down from generation to generation Induction destruction Who wants to die War What is it good for Absolutely nothing Say it again War What is it good for Absolutely nothing War has shattered many young men's dreams Made them disabled bitter and mean Life is too precious to be fighting wars each day War can't give life it can only take it away War It's nothing but a heartbreaker War Friend only to the undertaker Peace love and understanding There must be some place for these things today They say we must fight to keep our freedom But Lord there's gotta be a better way That's better than War War What is it good for Absolutely nothing Say it again War What is it good for Absolutely nothing +++++ "What's Going On" By Marvin Gaye Mother, mother, there's too many of you crying Brother, brother, brother, there's far too many of you dying You know we've got to find a way To bring some lovin' here today, hey Father, father, we don't need to escalate War is not the answer, for only love can conquer hate You know we've got to find a way To bring some lovin' here today CHORUS #1: Picket lines and picket signs Don't punish me with brutality Talk to me, so you can see Oh what's going on, what's going on Yeah, what's going on, ah, what's going on Ahhh.... Mother, mother, everybody thinks we're wrong Ah but who are they to judge us Simply 'cos our hair is long Ah you know we've got to find a way To bring some understanding here today CHORUS #2: Picket lines and picket signs Don't punish me with brutality Talk to me, so you can see What's going on, yeah what's going on Tell me what's going on, I'll tell you what's going on +++++ "Love's In Need Of Love Today" By Stevie Wonder Good mornin or evening friends Here's your friendly announcer I have serious news to pass on to every-body What I'm about to say Could mean the world's disaster Could change your joy and laughter to tears and pain It's that Love's in need of love today Don't delay Send yours in right away Hate's goin' round Breaking many hearts Stop it please Before it's gone too far The force of evil plans To make you its possession And it will if we let it Destroy ev-er-y-body We all must take Precautionary measures If love and please you treasure Then you'll hear me when I say Oh that Love's in need of love today love's in need of love today Don't delay don't delay Send yours in right away right a-way Hate's goin' round hate's goin' round Breaking many hearts breaking hearts Stop it please stop it please Before it's gone too far gone too far People you know that Love's in need of love today love's in need of love today Don't delay don't de-lay Send yours in right away right a-way You know that hate's hate's Hate's goin' round goin' round Breaking many hearts breaking hearts Stop stop it please Before it's gone too far gone too far It's up to you cause Love's in need of love today love's in need of love today Don't delay don't de-lay Send yours in right away right a-way You know that hate's hate's Hate's goin' round goin' round Breaking_hate's tried to break my heart many times breaking hearts Don't_you've got to stop it please stop it please Before before before gone too far Love's in need of love today love's in need of love today Don't delay don't de-lay Send yours in right away right a-way You know that hate's goin' around hate's goin' Hate's going around hate's going around round break- And it tried to break up many hearts hearts Stop You've got to I've got to They've got to it please We've got to They've got to We've got to gone Stop it before it's gone too far too far Love's love's in need of love love's in need of love Did you ever think that love would be in need of love today to-day don't Don't delay de-lay Send yours in right away right a-way Hate's hate's hate's goin' round Bring it down a little love is very peaceful So bring it down a little stop it please gone too far love's in need of love today don't delay right away awaaaay love's in need of love today don't delay right away awaaaay hate's goin round breaking hearts Well, please stop it Uw L-O-V-E love Oh, L-O-V-E lo~~~~~ve love's in need of love today don't delay right away Just give the world LOVE. |
Diary Archives by MASAHARU YOSHIOKA |